Nonprofit Management

Advocacy + Government MANP News Nonprofit Management Nonprofit Management : Equity Nonprofit Management : Evaluation Nonprofit Management : Financial Management Nonprofit Management : Governance + Leadership Nonprofit Management : Leadership Transition Nonprofit Management : Legal Nonprofit Management : Marketing + Communication Nonprofit Management : Resource Development Nonprofit Management : Staff + Volunteer Teams Nonprofit Management : Strategic Alliances Nonprofit Management : Strategy + Planning Nonprofit Management : Technology Nonprofit News + Trends

In honor of National Nonprofit Day, August 17, 2023, the Maine Office of the State Treasurer (OST) and Maine Association of Nonprofits (MANP) are...

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Many nonprofits have been evaluating their needs and rethinking opportunities for their workspaces given shifts in work schedules and arrangements,...

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Deciding on the right delivery method for your event can be a daunting task. The boom of virtual and hybrid events in the past few years, coupled...

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While many pandemic-related funding opportunities are waning, there is a big opportunity in Maine happening right now - and nonprofits should...

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As nonprofit organizations continue to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of fundraising and community engagement, staying up-to-date with the...

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Organizations often reach out to MANP asking what policies they should have in place. Here's a quick run-down of the basics. Must-Haves While not...

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Just like other employers, Maine nonprofits are required to offer certain trainings to employees. This includes video display terminal training...

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If your understanding of nonprofit financial management is a little shaky, the following resources can help you and your organization build a...

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Results from our 2022 Survey of Nonprofit Wages & Benefits show that hybrid work arrangements may very well be here to stay for almost half of...

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Raffles can be a fun and effective way for nonprofit organizations to engage the public and raise funds to support the organization’s cause....

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The Byzantine legal and regulatory landscape governing nonprofit compensation has many organizations frustrated as they seek to answer the seemingly...

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Nonprofit mergers are sometimes seen as a last resort in the face of financial crisis, but as highlighted in this article from Stanford Social...

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