People power nonprofit missions, and deserve fair pay for their work. Nonprofit employers are legally obligated to comply with labor laws, and have...
Read PostStaff + Volunteer Teams
People power your mission
In 2023, Governor Mills signed a budget that included the creation of a paid family and medical leave program, making Maine the 13th state to...
Read PostDoes your organization's benefits package and employee experience align with your nonprofit's values? Centering wellbeing in your practices and...
Read PostAll employers, including nonprofits, are required to fund unemployment benefits but did you know that the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) of...
Read PostCurrently, both in Maine and the U.S., there is a systemic lack of investment in nonprofit leadership and talent. As such, a key part of how we're...
Read PostBig deadlines are quickly approaching related to student debt! Nonprofit organizations (and their staff) should take note. While these deadlines are...
Read PostFall 2024: We plan to hold an informational webinar after the final rules for PFML are announced. Reprinted with permission from The Maine Nonprofit...
Read PostJust like other employers, Maine nonprofits are required to offer certain trainings to employees. This includes video display terminal training...
Read PostResults from our 2022 Survey of Nonprofit Wages & Benefits show that hybrid work arrangements may very well be here to stay for almost half of...
Read PostIn the first part of this series, we shared the data on the workforce shortage impacting Maine nonprofits. Organizations that continued to operate...
Read PostIt’s no big secret, the workforce shortage in Maine is real and it’s impacting all of us. Whether its paramedics, childcare providers,...
Read PostOn Monday, a broad coalition of more than 60 national charitable nonprofit organizations sent a letter to President Biden and congressional...
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