NonprofitMaine Blog

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Many nonprofits have been evaluating their needs and rethinking opportunities for their workspaces given shifts in work schedules and arrangements,...

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Summer is the perfect time to invite your legislators to visit your facilities to share with them the important work you are doing in their...

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Typically, Maine lawmakers are well into their summer vacations in late July. But this year, lawmakers were essentially in session for an extra...

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Deciding on the right delivery method for your event can be a daunting task. The boom of virtual and hybrid events in the past few years, coupled...

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Shared with permission from our partners at the National Council of Nonprofits. Last week, Senators Gary Peters (D-MI), John Cornyn (R-TX), and...

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While many pandemic-related funding opportunities are waning, there is a big opportunity in Maine happening right now - and nonprofits should...

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As nonprofit organizations continue to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of fundraising and community engagement, staying up-to-date with the...

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Every day, Maine nonprofits demonstrate their work and worth, and create stories of resilience, innovation, and perseverance through their missions...

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This Thursday, Maine legislators will hold a Public Hearing on the Paid Family Medical Leave (PFML) bill (LD 1964), which would offer up to 12 weeks...

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Every year MANP surveys you, our members, to track trends in the sector, learn what’s top of mind for nonprofits so that we are accurately...

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[Note: This is a quickly moving issues, so please check our blog for more recent information as it becomes available.] You may soon be seeing news...

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Organizations often reach out to MANP asking what policies they should have in place. Here's a quick run-down of the basics. Must-Haves While not...

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