Announcing Nonprofit Day at the State House Exhibitors for 2025

Posted By: Mary Alice Scott Advocacy + Government,

We are so pleased to announce the 12 organizations that have been selected to exhibit at our annual Nonprofit Day at the State House!

As you may have seen, this year's Nonprofit Day has a theme: a universal sales tax exemption for 501(c)(3) nonprofits. We had the difficult task of selecting a range of organizations through that lens, as well as a group which demonstrates the diversity of the sector through a broad range of sizes, missions, and geographic service areas. We had more than 100 applicants! Organizations that were not selected to have an exhibit table can still join us at Nonprofit Day and engage in other ways!

Now, without further ado, here are the 12 exhibitor tables that will be in the Hall of Flags on February 4, 2025:

Even if you aren’t exhibiting, there are still ways to engage in Nonprofit Day and strengthen your advocacy skills. Join us on February 4th to lift up the work and worth of our sector. Plus, check out all the other advocacy resources available on our website!