Nonprofit-Government Contracting Advocacy (from procurement to reimbursement)

Posted By: Mary Alice Scott Advocacy + Government,

The prosperity and vitality of our state depend on cultivating strong partnerships among the business, government, and nonprofit sectors. In many cases, this comes in the form of formal contracts between government and nonprofits. These grants and contracts reflect that our government relies on nonprofits as partners in weaving a strong safety net, stimulating the economy, building community, and cultivating civil society. 

In our most recent member survey, in response to the question "Does your organization receive or pursue grants or contracts from local, state, or federal government entities," approximately half of members reported yes. 

Government grants and contracts are a frequently cited source of confusion and stress, however; less than half of our members feel that government funders have practices that empower nonprofits and allow them to focus on executing their missions. Some of these challenges are not only frustrating, but put our communities at risk by jeopardizing the ability of nonprofits to effectively deliver their programs during a time of high, and growing, demand for services.

MANP has been working behind the scenes to explore both legislative and administrative changes to streamline and improve nonprofit-government contracting (ranging from issues with procurement to getting fair reimbursement rates). While change will take time, we appreciate the willingness of our government partners to work with us. 

Some current MANP efforts include:

  • Research on current challenges with government grants and contracts in Maine, other states, and nationally so we can better paint a picture of the issues to policymakers, the media, and the public.
  • Advocacy for the enforcement of existing public policy intended to prevent and address late payments.
  • Following the Government Oversight Committee's conversations about an OPEGA review of procurement.
  • Considering policy proposals for the upcoming session.

If you are interested in following MANP's work to advocate for making government grants and contracts financially viable, equitable, and accessible for Maine nonprofits, please fill out this brief interest form

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