Send a Message to Congress: Nonprofit Community Sign On Letter
There is much at stake for charitable nonprofits as the 119th Congress gets busy on tax and spending priorities. Lawmakers will decide momentous policy questions that can have a profound impact – positive or negative – on the ability of local organizations to improve lives, strengthen communities, and advance the public good.
Join nonprofits across the country in sending a message to the 119th Congress: nonprofits are not to be ignored.
We encourage you to join with MANP in signing onto the Nonprofit Community Letter to ensure Representatives and Senators understand the importance and impact of charitable organizations to their constituents and communities. The bottom line in the letter is this: “As you consider legislation, we ask that you recognize that our nation’s charitable nonprofits are already working to solve many of the problems you will encounter, and that empowering their work is in the best interests of your constituents and communities.”
The letter will be open for nonprofit organizational signers through January.