Nonprofit Compensation Report

MANP conducts a compensation survey every two years to equip Maine nonprofits with reliable, local data to inform conversations, shape compensation strategies, and justify compensation levels to the public and the IRS.

2024 Survey Now Open!

Navy blue person icon against a light blue circle background. Around the figure are a green circle with a dollar sign, a teal circle with a plus sign, and an orange circle with a heart. The whole graphic has a thin orange circle around it.

Steps to Participate
  1. Identify who will take the survey on behalf of your organization - one response per organization.
  2. Prepare - download the detailed 2024 Nonprofit Wages + Benefits Survey Instructions and Preparation Checklist.
  3. Complete the online survey by May 24th June 7th at 5pm ET.
  4. Earn rewards! Member organizations that participate receive the report for free, nonmember participants receive 50% off ($150 value!), and all participants will be entered to a raffle to win gift cards, free job postings, free registrations, and more!  

The report will be published in the Fall, with a goal of early October.

Download the Preparation Worksheet          Take the Survey

About the 2024 Survey    

Why participate? People power our missions! To attract and retain talent, nonprofits need to set competitive wages and benefits, especially in today's tight market. By sharing data, organizations contribute to a timely, reliable source of information about workforce and compensation trends, so together we can build more competitive and equitable compensation practices that reward people for investing their time and talents in our missions.

Who can participate? Any 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), 501(c)(5), or 501(c)(6) organization based in or with paid staff working in Maine, New Hampshire, or Vermont. Only one person per organization should complete the survey. All-volunteer organizations can participate and get credit by completing the first section.

Is this survey confidential? Identifying information is kept separate and only used to prevent duplicate submissions, determine participation discounts, and contact you should we have questions about your survey responses.

How long will it take? It will take approximately 30 minutes to enter data into the online survey, assuming you’ve already gathered all of the required information on the preparation checklist. How long it takes to gather the data will vary depending on the size of your organization’s budget and staff.

Thank You to Our 2024 Sponsors!

Lead Sponsors

Cover Sponsors


2022 Report

Based on data collected in the Spring and Summer of 2022, this report covers staffing and compensation practices of 639 northern New England nonprofit organizations (324 from Maine). Wage details are included for 31 job categories common to many organizations. The 2022 survey was a joint effort with the NH Center for Nonprofits, CommonGood Vermont, and the UNH Survey Center. Our lead sponsor in 2022 was Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare. 

Download a free snapshot

Order the Full Report

*Purchasers of the Maine report may purchase the Vermont and New Hampshire editions at a discount. Contact for ordering instructions.

Other Resources for Setting Compensation

Setting compensation is an art, not a science, and organizations should use multiple sources of information, including their own organizational values, to inform their strategies. MANP has curated collections of resources on nonprofit compensation, including: