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MANP Connects Summit: From Problem-Solving to Possibility

Friday, November 15, 2024
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM (EST)

* Registration open until 11/14/24 at 5:00 PM (EST)

Event Details

Are you in need of some inspiration for a positive future? Are you craving connection with others who share your values and vision for Maine communities? These last few years, nonprofits have been rising to challenge after challenge under enormous pressure. Business as usual is no longer sustainable. To achieve the future we want, we need new ways of thinking, new voices at the table, and new approaches to working together.

So, what can we do about it? MANP believes that by 
bringing people, ideas, and resources together, we will collectively be more strategic, creative, and courageous.

In November, MANP is gathering our network to explore ways to shift from problem-solving to possibility and discuss how we must work together to achieve shared goals. After the Summit, MANP will disseminate a summary of our collective insights with the funders, decision makers and community partners who share our commitment to building resilient and equitable Maine communities.

Whether you are a nonprofit leader or a community partner, YOU are part of Maine’s community-centered ecosystem and we welcome you to join us in building our collective power, learn from one another, and identify ways to create transformative, equitable change.

Participants will:

  • Hear from a panel of individuals uniquely involved in the process to create the Tekαkαpimək Contact Station, a work of collaborative design and construction, intentionally imbued with Wabanaki knowledge in Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument
  • Connect with nonprofit peers and partners to imagine shifting from problems to possibilities
  • Discuss what it will take to achieve shared visions and collective actions
  • Build momentum to advance social change

Intended Audience

Nonprofit professionals, board members and partners from the Wabanaki Nations, state and federal government, philanthropy and the business community.

Scroll down to see who's bought their ticket and start your networking strategy before you arrive.

Connor Archer
Connor Archer Founder & Chairman/CEO The Courageous Steps Project, Inc.
Caitlyn Barker
Caitlyn Barker Community Partner Maine Community Foundation
Julie Beane
Julie Beane Program Director Maine Development Foundation
Jessica Blanchard
Jessica Blanchard Director of Training Good Will-Hinckley
Christian Breau
Christian Breau Concierge RoundTable Technology
Yellow Breen
Yellow Breen President & CEO Maine Development Foundation
Chelsea Brown
Chelsea Brown Volunteer and Community Outreach Director Bangor Humane Society
Katie Brown
Katie Brown Youth Full Maine
Terri Bruce
Terri Bruce Northeast Transition Initiative Program Project Manager Cooperative Development Institute, Inc.
Melissa Bucholz
Melissa Bucholz Bangor Site Manager, Refugee and Immigration Services Catholic Charities Maine
Kelsey Buckley
Kelsey Buckley Director of Communication & Engagement Island Readers & Writers
Lily Butler
Lily Butler HR Manager Good Shepherd Food Bank
Eli Cabañas
Eli Cabañas Grants and Website Manager Maine Arts Commission
Mollie Cashwell
Mollie Cashwell Director Cultural Alliance of Maine
Tabatha Caso
Tabatha Caso Executive Director Eastern Area Agency on Aging
Jennifer Chace
Jennifer Chace Executive Director The Source School
John Clark
John Clark Program Coordinator Maine Association of Nonprofits
Amy Clement
Amy Clement Staff Accountant Your Part-Time Controller
Jane Clifford
Jane Clifford Volunteer Engagement Manager Good Shepherd Food Bank
Larry Clifford
Larry Clifford Development Director Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries
Sally Clinton
Sally Clinton Maine Seacoast Mission
Mary Cloutier
Mary Cloutier Office Coordinator Maine Association of Nonprofits
Meghan Cooper
Meghan Cooper Development Director Friends of Katahdin Woods & Waters
Amanda Cost
Amanda Cost Facilitative Director Partners for Peace
Torie Cronk
Torie Cronk Executive Director Hancock County NST
Cheryl Daigle
Cheryl Daigle Executive Director Sebasticook Regional Land Trust
Carissa Daniels
Carissa Daniels Finance Director Maine Mineral & Gem Museum
Sam Deeran
Sam Deeran Principal Shoebox Collaborations
Nancy DellaMattera
Nancy DellaMattera Independant Contractor Unaffiliated
David Delmar Sentíes
David Delmar Sentíes Consultant The Delmar Group
Melissa Denbow
Melissa Denbow VP Community Experience Manager Machias Savings Bank
Sara Devlin
Sara Devlin Executive Director Bangor Area Comprehensive Transportation System (BACTS)
Emilie Eames
Emilie Eames Senior Associate, Programs & Communications Maine Philanthropy Center
Casey Faulkingham
Casey Faulkingham Community Response Team Leader Partners for Peace
Liz Fickett
Liz Fickett Grants and Scholarships Dir Maine Community Foundation
Chrissy Fowler
Chrissy Fowler Executive Director Belfast Flying Shoes
Nick J Francis
Nick J Francis Tekαkαpimək Wabanaki Advisory Council Tekαkαpimək Wabanaki Advisory Council
Bucky Gahagan
Bucky Gahagan Cross Insurance
Cherie Galyean
Cherie Galyean Director, Strategic Learning Maine Community Foundation
Kelley Glidden
Kelley Glidden Workforce Team Manager New Ventures Maine
Kylie Grandjean
Kylie Grandjean Maine Association For The Education Of Young Children (MaineAEYC)
Julia Gray
Julia Gray Executive Director Wilson Museum
Thomas Grogan
Thomas Grogan Workforce Development Specialist New Ventures Maine
Colleen Haley-Read
Colleen Haley-Read Accountant Colleen Haley-Read, LLC
Lisa Hallee
Lisa Hallee Hallee Group LLC
Emory Harger
Emory Harger Communications Coordinator Maine Environmental Education Association
Tyler-Ann Harris
Tyler-Ann Harris Wabanaki REACH
Morgan Hart Tolin
Morgan Hart Tolin Co-Executive Director Maine Association For The Education Of Young Children (MaineAEYC)
Lisa Horsch Clark
Lisa Horsch Clark Director of Development Friends of Acadia
Jennifer Hutchins
Jennifer Hutchins Executive Director Maine Association of Nonprofits
Marga Hutchinson
Marga Hutchinson TEACH Program Coordinator Maine Association for the Education of Young Child
Ellis Ivy
Ellis Ivy Membership Engagement Manager Maine Association of Nonprofits
Martin Kasongo
Martin Kasongo LISUNGI ASSISTANCE NONPROFIT Maine Association of Nonprofits
Stuart Kestenbaum
Stuart Kestenbaum Cultural Alliance of Maine
Jessica Kezer
Jessica Kezer Cross Insurance
Sonya LaCoute-Dana
Sonya LaCoute-Dana Wabanaki Community Partner Elmina B. Sewall Foundation
Geoffrey Lagat
Geoffrey Lagat Sunrise County Economic Council
Kim Lengert
Kim Lengert Ending Hunger Corps Program Manager Maine Department of Agriculture
Heide Lester
Heide Lester Deputy Director EqualityMaine
Rachel Loomis Lee
Rachel Loomis Lee Development Director Hurricane Island Outward Bound School
Lori Manson
Lori Manson Board Member Maine Council on Problem Gambling
Heather Marden
Heather Marden Co-Executive Director Maine Association For The Education Of Young Children (MaineAEYC)
Virginia Marriner
Virginia Marriner Executive Director Literacy Volunteers of Kennebec
Jodi Martin
Jodi Martin Executive Director give IT. get IT
Kristin May
Kristin May Founder & Creative Director Mayday
Nat May
Nat May Arts Program Officer Onion Foundation
Dawn McAndrews
Dawn McAndrews Producing Artistic Director Theater at Monmouth
Robin McCarthy
Robin McCarthy Director of Donor Relations Good Shepherd Food Bank
Thomas Mitchell
Thomas Mitchell Connected Office Technologies
Peter Montano
Peter Montano Director PGM LLC
Gabriela Montoya-Eyerman
Gabriela Montoya-Eyerman Finance Director Sunrise County Economic Council
Julie Mulkern
Julie Mulkern Executive Director Ronald McDonald House Charities
James Murphy
James Murphy Development Director Educate Maine
Patrick Myers
Patrick Myers Executive Director Center Theatre for the Performing Arts
Carey Nason
Carey Nason Executive Director Saint Andre Home, Inc.
Amanda Nguyen
Amanda Nguyen Director of Coaching Great Schools Partnership
Molly O'Connell
Molly O'Connell Assistant Director Maine Association of Nonprofits
Banjo Ogunlela
Banjo Ogunlela Microenterprise Specialist New Ventures Maine
Mari O'Neil
Mari O'Neil Executive Director Maine Business Education Partnership
Emily Orangeo
Emily Orangeo Academic Programs Coordinator Farnsworth Art Museum
Shirar Patterson
Shirar Patterson President and CEO Heart of Maine United Way
Peter Phair
Peter Phair Executive Director Habitat for Humanity Waterville Area
Suzi Pond
Suzi Pond Founder Redbird Media Group
Jeff Poulin
Jeff Poulin Managing Director Foundation for a Creative Generation
Iris Ramirez
Iris Ramirez Station Manager WRGY Radio
Kathryn Ravenscraft
Kathryn Ravenscraft Director of Development Bangor Humane Society
Kate Raymond
Kate Raymond Development Manager Midcoast Conservancy
Amanda Reimer
Amanda Reimer Outreach Steward Maine Appalachian Trail Club
Shavaun Rigler
Shavaun Rigler Director, Development & Public Relations Bangor Public Library
Hilary Robbins
Hilary Robbins Founder & Senior Strategy Consultant Hilary Robbins Consulting
Kyle Romick
Kyle Romick Connected Office Technologies
Louise Rosen
Louise Rosen Managing Director, Louise Rosen Ltd Maine Film Association
Katrina Ruffner
Katrina Ruffner Director of Education Maine Association of Nonprofits
Jessica Ruscetta
Jessica Ruscetta Program Director Community Doulas
Jeanmarie Russell
Jeanmarie Russell Wilson Museum
Alexis Saba
Alexis Saba Senior Manager of Academic Programs Farnsworth Art Museum
Sessa Salas
Sessa Salas Director Peopleplace Cooperative Preschool
Erika Sanger
Erika Sanger Executive Director Opera House Arts
Jill Sawyer
Jill Sawyer Director of Advancement Abbe Museum
Betsy Sawyer-Manter
Betsy Sawyer-Manter Executive Director SeniorsPlus
Susan Scacchi
Susan Scacchi Executive Director Maine Masonic Charitable Foundation
Sarah Schechter
Sarah Schechter Owner SRS Events
Alyssa Schoppee
Alyssa Schoppee Development Director Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program
Mary Alice Scott
Mary Alice Scott Public Affairs Manager Maine Association of Nonprofits
Meghan Scribner
Meghan Scribner Program Documentation and Research Coordinator Side x Side
Jackie Shannon
Jackie Shannon Scholarship Manager Maine Community Foundation
Holly Sheehan
Holly Sheehan Club Coordinator Maine Appalachian Trail Club
Allie Sirrine
Allie Sirrine Client Coordinator Kids First Center
Janet Smith
Janet Smith Executive Director New Ventures Maine
Monique Stairs
Monique Stairs Executive Director Speaking Up For Us
Sarah Strickland
Sarah Strickland Consultant Strategic Wisdom Partners
Louise Tardie
Louise Tardie Cross Insurance
Holly Taylor
Holly Taylor Program Associate Onion Foundation
Catherine Thibedeau
Catherine Thibedeau Executive Director Independence Advocates of Maine, Inc.
Elaine Thomas
Elaine Thomas Heart of Maine United Way
Melissa Traynham
Melissa Traynham Executive Director Traynham For Good, LLC
Sara Janjigian Trifiro
Sara Janjigian Trifiro Consultant Wright Collective
Sam Updike
Sam Updike DBE Supportive Services Specialist Eastern Maine Development Corp.
Charlene Virgilio
Charlene Virgilio Principal CMV & Associates
Patrick Watson
Patrick Watson Project Manager Maine Coast Heritage Trust
Stephanie Welch
Stephanie Welch Executive Director Trekkers, Inc.
Beth Wilbur Van Mierlo
Beth Wilbur Van Mierlo Executive Director Side x Side
Alyssa Wright
Alyssa Wright Wright Collective
Courtney Yeager
Courtney Yeager President & CEO United Way of Kennebec Valley
26 Other Registered Attendees
MANP Connects Summit Panelists

Please join us to celebrate and be inspired by four individuals uniquely involved in the process to create the Tekαkαpimək Contact Station, described by US Interior Secretary Deb Haaland as,

"An endeavor unlike one we've ever seen before. It is extraordinary not only in the what - a beautiful space -  but in the how… a deliberative and collaborative effort with Tribal Nations… You had to find a path and clear it too."

Hear a collective story of the “Invisible Monument”, our panelists’ behind the scenes perspectives and insights on what makes this ongoing partnership so successful. 

  • James Eric Francis, Sr., Penobscot Nation’s Director of Cultural and Historic Preservation and member of the Tekαkαpimək project Wabanaki Advisory Board and contributing artist
  • Dr. Jane Anderson, Associate Professor at NYU, co-founder of Local Contexts and intellectual and cultural property consultant
  • Erin Hutton, Elliotsville Foundation Creative Program Manager for the Tekαkαpimək project 
  • Kasq (Natalie) Dana Lolar, Ph.D./ Master’s graduate student in Anthropology at the University of Maine, member of the Tekαkαpimək project Wabanaki Advisory Board and contributing artist

Learn more about our panelists here.

(Bonus! The event will feature a performance by Firefly!

All Wabanaki Cultural Knowledge and Intellectual Property shared within this project is owned by the Wabanaki Nations– the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians, Mi’kmaq Nation, Passamaquoddy Tribe, and Penobscot Nation.

MANP Connects Summit Agenda

8:00am    Doors open for networking + light breakfast
8:45am    Welcome
9:15am    Panel conversation
10:30am  Break
10:45am  Facilitated table conversations
12:00pm  Event concludes

Tickets + Information
  • $75 for MANP Members + Nonmembers 
  • Discounts for teams! $10 off each additional registration from the same organization
  • Scholarships available for MANP members! Prior to registering, email your scholarship request to and be sure to include your name and organization.
  • Participants will receive additional event logistics in the registration confirmation e-mail as well as in reminder emails that will be sent one week and one day prior to the live event.
  • Review our Event Cancellation Policies for in-person events.
  • Substitutions for registered participants are welcome. Please let us know who to expect.
  • MANP offers these collective well-being guidelines for in-person events to support, as much as possible, a safe environment, physically, mentally, and emotionally.


MANP is committed to ensuring all participants are accommodated at our events. If you have accessibility needs, please email us at with your request no fewer than 10 business days prior to the event.

MANP Connects Summit Sponsor

Featured Sponsors

Logo for Eaton Peabody    Healey & Associates Logo    Logo for M&T Bank

Partner Sponsors

   Logo for iMission   Logo for Maine Community Foundation

Connected Office Technologies Logo

Community Sponsors

Logo for Northern Trust

Sponsorship opportunities available! If you’re interested in sponsoring the MANP Connects Summit, learn more here.