Photo of Lisa Hallee

Lisa Hallee

Hallee Group LLC

Professional Bio

Lisa is a philanthropy consultant and professional coach who brings more than 30 years of professional experience in law, philanthropy and nonprofit management to bear serving a range of organizational and individual clients throughout the United States. Lisa has served as Foundation Advisor to the Bill and Joan Alfond Foundation and has taught philanthropy at Colby College. Lisa previously served as Vice President for Philanthropy at MaineGeneral Health where she led the capital campaign to build the new Alfond Center for Health in Augusta. Lisa also served in leadership positions at Colby College, BankBoston Foundation, City Year and the Center for Women and Enterprise. Lisa has also served as in-house counsel at The Gillette Company and in private legal practice in Washington, DC. Lisa graduated from Colby College and Cornell Law School. She is a Certified Professional Coactive Coach and is a member of the International Coaching Federation. Lisa serves on the Governor’s Prevention and Recovery Cabinet working to address the opiate crisis facing Maine.

Parent Organization

Hallee Group LLC
14 Davcarley Rd
Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107-0113
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